Love is patient.
Welcome to Patient Love. The very beginning of the scripture passage 1Â Corinthians 13:4-7 states that love is patient. When we begin to learn to be patient with one another, we begin to learn to love the way that Jesus taught his disciples to love. As one of two commandments that Jesus gave, it seems to be as important as loving God. Because without learning to love like Jesus, we cannot really love God. Learning to love is the beginning of understanding what the point is for our existence.
The endeavor of this site is to give evidence through words that the love of God is real. Alas, the writer is human and may make mistakes. But mistakes can be corrected. Hence, feedback is appreciated.
Jesus showed us a love that is deeper than the love among family, a love that leads us to be willing to die for each other. When we practice the love described in 1 Corinthians 13, we practice the kind of love Jesus gave. Read more